Nine Lessons from A4U Expo

I’ve said it before: A4U Expo might just be my favourite webmaster conference. But since I know a few serious affiliates who didn’t go – and I’m not afraid to name names, Mr Powell – I thought I’d sum up what I learned:
- Mel Carson’s Cost Per Monk story
- Joost’s WordPress SEO talk
- Rob Kerry and Marcus talking SEO dirty tricks
- Advance notice Google would drop the ‘no gambling ads’ rule
- Shakil Khan’s tales of a £600,000 offer on a domain…
- … and of being the first Brit to sell viagra online
- Ben and Karl from Conversion Rate Experts on site feedback tools.
- Demoing’s WordPress plugin for affiliates
- Roy’s summary of internal link building strategies
Alas, I missed Al Carlton’s session on blogging, which was the talk of the town.
Next stop: SMX London. I’m speaking at the ‘Buying sites for SEO’ session with Dave Naylor, Doug Scott and Kristjan Mar Hauksson.
Be good to say hello:)
Yikes, named and shamed! 🙂