BlogRush Sucks: All Blog, No Rush

Hold the front page: BlogRush sucks. In the last 30 days, BlogRush has sent a grand total of 0.19% of this site’s visitors, or 1% of the traffic it received from StumbleUpon. BlogRush, you’re fired.
Want to compare your BlogRush traffic stats? Contact me and I’ll add yours.
Blog | Visitors/Month | | 0% |
CSS Tricks | 0.00003746% |
Krillz | 0.0005 % | | 0.00126% |
Mobile Marketing Watch* | 0.0013612% | | 0.007% | | 0.003% | | 0.010506961% | | 0.0189% |
Terabell | 0.03% |
Novak’s Blog | 0.032% |
BlogPond | 0.0334% | | 0.04% |
Pointless Banter | 0.0597% | | 0.068% |
EyeFlare | 0.073% |
Plain Beta | 0.079% |
Fat Man Unleashed | 0.08% | | 0.17% |
Quality Nonsense | 0.19% | | 0.2% |
Easy C Tutorials | 0.22% |
Conversion Matters | 0.23% |
The Comp Zone | 0.38% |** | 0.46% |
Negative Smart*** | 0.5% |
NHL Digest | <1% |
Conversation Marketing | <1% |
Shirt Ninja | 1.3% |
* Vic says: “Nearly all [of the visitors] came before I was even a BlogRush subscriber so they were up to something to try and get my attention.”
** Mark says: “I do think however, that Blog Rush traffic is a bit better than some other referral
sources as BlogRush visitors are a bit more targeted due to the way they categorize blogs. I think this ups the chances of the visitor becoming a recurring visitor or RSS subscriber. I’m hoping to experiment with this further.”
*** Candice says: “However: out of all referral sources Blogrush ranked 7th for average time spent on my site, and out of the few people who comment on my site, Blogrush has added at least two that I know about. So I’m not really prepared to say that Blogrush sucks just yet”
Update 1/11/07: Memo to self: don’t blog ill. I realise I’ve not explained this terribly well, so here’s a little more detail and a few answers to some questions I’ve received by email.
My intention was to look at how BlogRush performed for a broad of typical tech-savvy bloggers. Not, for example, just SEO blogs (ie, adept at driving traffic) or copywriting blogs (ie, skilled at writing headlines). I believe most bloggers will decide on the balance of probabilities that the pitiful amount of incremental traffic is not worth the space BlogRush takes up or the visitors you lose via it.
Q: What kind of control are you using to compare stats?
A: Total visits from BlogRush divided by visitors (not uniques) * 100 for the previous 30 days. Of course, different stats packages/methodologies (log file based vs web based etc) will lead to some minor variance. Think of it as a ready reckoner, if you wish, and take the stats as ‘order of magnitude’ accurate – they still suck.
Q: But BlogRush traffic is targetted. How do you factor this in?
A: In an age when you can target online ads by age, gender, day, time, income, interests etc, billing what BlogRush offers as ‘targeting’ is rather over-selling it.
Q: How are you tracking visitor actions from BlogRush traffic?
A: For most bloggers, I believe the traffic volumes are so pitiful that the screen real estate could be better used for… well, just about anything else, since you ask. If anyone has empirical evidence that BlogRush visitors instantly whip out their credit cards/evanglise about a site/subscribe to RSS feeds or email, I’ll happily publish it.
Q: How many of these bloggers were writing headlines suitable for BlogRush?
A: Tailoring one’s copywriting to a six week old blog widget would be a highly suspect decision. Headlines are for readers, not Google, BlogRush etc.
Q: This is just linkbait.
A: It’s a sorry day when calling BS on a dud product gets a knee-jerk dismissal as linkbait.
NB. I shamelessly pinched this headline from Mashable.
I don’t have blogrush traffic details anymore because they Blogrush sent me an email saying my blog did not meet their criteria. They sent me that a day after I posted about me and my boyfriend’s anniversary. Blogrush is homophobic I tell you, homophobic!!!!
the same here, they send me the same email, and my blog about graphic and webdesign, it’s really weird
yea, and I’m not sure I want to be a part of something that is so Discriminatory
An after thought…
It’s like wearing a patch on your shirt that says “blogrush†and then one day, they come along and tear the patch off your shirt and say “Your shirt is not good enough to have this patch on it.â€
Who made them the judge and jury for what is a good blog and what is not-so-good?
Going by today’s email from them, they’re gearing up for another great purge. If you aren’t a high traffic blog with their ugly widget placed above the fold you’ll get booted from the program because you aren’t high enough quality.
After considering this for some time, I feel that it would almost be better to write a widget yourself where you can pick blogs in your niche and just revolve entries from their rss feeds that have similar keywords – a mini and relevant blogrush that you can make look decent; although I’m not sure if google would be angry because of the links on other people’s pages.
Further stats: My latest 12 posts have been shown 7,726 times – and only been clicked on once.
I’m pulling my blogrush on November 9th 2007.
I have no good reason to keep it on my blog. There is NO rush traffic gen.
PS. I’m taking your graphic off this post and using it on my “BlogRush Sucks” post.
very interesting, but I don’t agree with you
[..] Further stats: My latest 12 posts have been shown 7,726 times – and only been clicked on once. [..]
Lucky for you, I’ve got no visitor at all..
I don’t know why i still keep it on my blog..
I was just wondering the quality of traffic from blogrush.
Thank you for the revealing details. So I am spending more time with stumbleupon. Quits for blogrush for now.