Happy Affiliates Make More Sales

Affiliates get spoilt.

It’s not all chilled Krug and Beluga caviar at Nonsense HQ. But occasionally a merchant offers a once-in-a-lifetime prize as an affiliate incentive.

Nevada desert skyline

Buyagift rule the school in the UK. Last Christmas, they promised to fly half a dozen of their affiliates from London to Vegas for a no-expense-spared weekend away. I was lucky enough to win a place, along with Paul, Romain, Neil, Steve and Wardy.

This year they’re upped the ante in quite spectacular style. Six affiliates will win the chance to fly a fighter plane over the Nevada desert and enter a NASCAR race (Details here).

For merchants with more modest budgets, think creatively. Lego get a special mention for sending new affiliates Lego freebies. What more could a geek affiliate want?

Buyagift’s experience days affiliate programme is on Affiliate Window, Lego is on Linkshare UK.

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