Pre-PubCon 2007 Meetup

I’m flying London to Las Vegas for PubCon in a few short hours.
By a staggering coincidence, I find myself watching the John Denver story (think “Leaving on a Jet Plane”) in a Tokyo-style pod hotel. Anyway…
The unofficial PubCon Facebook group has organised a small pre-Pubcon get together on Monday night. Details below, care of group admin Brian:
We’re meeting for dinner at 6:30 PM on Monday at the Grand Lux Cafe. We plan to eat, drink and be merry, then head over to the Wynn to join up with other PubCon attendees who will no doubt be crawling about the bars there….unless a better option presents itself. We’ll meet outside the Grand Lux Cafe at 6:30 PM. It’s at the back of the Venetian casino.
At a loose end? Come along.
See you at the Grand Lux later so. Have a safe trip.